
Andrew Way has over 20-years experience in the LNG industry across both Asia and Europe. Andrew’s expertise is focussed on LNG transactions and origination and he has held positions at both Gazprom Global LNG and Santos GLNG.

Andrew has extensive experience across the LNG value chain having worked on the commercial development of several LNG terminals, including Isle of Grain and Singapore LNG, as well as LNG trading experience with both Gazprom Global LNG and Santos GLNG. Andrew has experience of the LNG project development life cycle, having been involved in the successful FID and subsequent commercial operations of the Santos GLNG project. In addition, Andrew set-up the Australian domestic gas and power marketing business for Santos GLNG and has extensive knowledge of gas and power trading and commercial agreements.


Andrew specialises in delivering commercial and analytical projects for clients in disputes and arbitration and has been involved in over 30 arbitrations across Europe, Asia and the Middle East.