Our Portfolio
TWCOG LLP is a knowledge-based company, based in London and Singapore, that is focused on the global natural gas industry. We provide commercial expertise in wholesale gas marketing, cross-border gas sales and transportation, and in the international arbitration of commercial disputes. We assist companies and nations throughout the world to establish gas markets, to develop natural gas resources in a responsible manner, and to settle disputes in existing contractual arrangements.

Some of the projects that we have recently worked on:
Appointed as expert on two large scale (2 mtpa+) LNG price review disputes (2020), one for an Asia-pacific source and one in the Middle East.
This alternative strategy, supported by a market price trends analysis developed by TWCOG, has resulted in a significant supply cost reduction.
Appointed to advise on spot market entry including Master Agreement negotiation and spot procurement strategy.
Provided a strategy and commercial advice for a major global energy company on the creation of an LNG-to-power business unit.
Appointed as Expert in 2014 Price Review of PGNiG under its gas supply contract from Russia. Provided extensive economic and financial analysis in multiple Expert Witness submissions, and testimony at several Hearings
Appointed as Expert by a major European importer in its submission to the European Commission on the commitments proposed by Gazprom concerning Central and Eastern European gas markets.
Appointed as Expert in Force Majeure dispute on supply disruption in the Middle East
The arbitral resolution of a high value contractual dispute relating to Price Review in gas sales in Central Europe. Appointed as expert by the arbitration tribunal.
Related to a multi-billion dollar dispute for the import of gas by Naftogaz, Ukraine from Russia. Appeared as a testifying Expert Witness in Stockholm.
Appointed as expert in several Price Review disputes for various long-term GSAs since 2012 supplying France, Spain, Belgium and Italy, testifying Expert Witness in Hearing under ICC arbitration.
A contract dispute in a large-scale international gas sale into petrochemicals at Terengganu, Malaysia. Arbitrated by Expert Determination in The Hague.
Appointed as Expert Witness in Geneva ICC Hearing on three multi-billion dollar cases (concerning the pricing of gas) Related to the production and sale of gas and providing ongoing advisory services to their gas pipeline contract.
Since 2006 in all of its major gas supply contracts under Price Review; advice on the resolution of disputed reviews. Economic and financial analysis to provide Expert Witness testimony.
Major gas supply contract from Russia under Price Review. Including economic and financial analysis to provide Expert Witness submissions. Provided Expert Witness evidence in Hearing under ICC Arbitration.
Arbitration of a dispute under one of its major gas supply contracts under Price Review. Economic and financial analysis to support expert witness testimony.
Appointed by a gas company in Spain in several Price Reviews since 2013 under its substantial LNG import contracts.
Assessing and quantifying the request for review of the Contract Price under a six year gas supply agreement for the supply of gas to industrial customers in France
Provided long term commercial advice and assistance on the export of LNG to Europe; advice on the terms for the regasification and marketing of LNG into the UK.
Appointed as expert jointly by the Seller and Buyer in the resolution of certain issues regarding the import of LNG into Spain.
The terms for the purchase and transport of gas from a neighbouring country and Turkmenistan; including a leading role in the negotiations.
Resolution of an allocation dispute in the Kazakhstan/Russia CPC oil pipeline. Arbitrated at the London Court of International Arbitration.
Expert with reference to disputes relating to the supply and distribution of gas in Croatia. Expert Witness testimony given at the International Court of Justice, den Haag.
Commercial advisor on several projects in the development and commercialisation of LNG production. Assessment of the market and risks associated with export sale to Japan and China.
Assessment of the terms for the import of LNG and the establishment of a multi-user import terminal; including a leading role in the negotiations.
Price Reviews under various long-term GSAs supplying Denmark. This included long-term supply of LNG to Gate Terminal. Acted as the testifying Expert Witness in Arbitration Hearing.
Appointed by a major Korean gas importer, on a price review under its Australian LNG supply.
Appointed as expert by 2 major Japanese joint buyers in a price review under an LNG supply contract.
Appointed as expert witness by CNOOC in its purchase of long term LNG from a Asian supply source. Provided testimony under ICC Arbitration.
Appointed by Osaka Gas in a price review related to LNG imports into Japanese terminals.
Assisted in the negotiation of the contract documents relating to a major new LNG development, including negotiation of a long-term LNG supply contract for the supply of gas into Japan.